There haven't been too many references to fashion in graphic novels and anime in the latest posts on this site, so it's about time to spot at least one. While reading for review purposes the recently published Italian translation of Mari Yamazaki's PIL (2010), freelance journalist and translator Serena Di Virgilio spotted a reference to Comme des Garçons and told me about it.
The main character in this story is a young girl, Nanami, who lives with her grandfather. Nanami soon turns into a fan of punk and in the story she appears to be wearing a Comme des Garçons top that seems to be a reference to Rei Kawakubo's black hand-knitted 1982 jumper decorated with randomly placed holes that created a decoratively slashed punk effect. The garment apparently causes her grandfather a bit of a shock and he ends up mending and sewing up the holes in the design piece.
The holey jumper became a bit of a signature piece throughout the decades and also reappeared in the Autumn/Winter 2014-15 menswear collection that features sweaters punctured with a series of bullet-like apertures.
With many thanks to Serena Di Virgilio for scanning also the images of PIL featured in this post.
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