Yesterday (go back to Monday's post to discover more about this project) we left the protagonist of my story in front of an imaginary fountain, trying to fish out some mysterious beads that were floating on the surface of the water. At the end of that post the beads had started multiplying and she had rolled up the sleeves of her blouse, letting her hands go deeper to try and catch them.
Today she touches the bottom of the fountain with her fingers, but the beads keep on escaping her. As she pulls her arms out of the water, the beads floating in the fountain turn into the tesserae of a mosaic.
The tesserae start forming geometrical and human figures, showing images of young handsome men welcoming a guest, of hunting games, of animals and vegetable motifs.
Intricate geometries, regular and irregular tesserae forming symbols, fish scale-like motifs and stars, alternate with images of maidens in bikinis performing sports, running and playing ball games and with pictures of a vast and deep sea.
The latter, symbolically represented by zigzagging motifs, is populated by Tritones and Nereides with rich helmet-like hairstyles wearing beautiful jewellery and holding giant shells in their hands. These mythological creatures are surrounded by exotic sea animals and ride sea horses or dolphins.
The mosaics decorate the floors of a strange labyrinthine place, a Roman villa, like the Villa Romana del Casale, built in the first quarter of the 4th century outside the town of Piazza Armerina in Sicily.
The protagonist of my story thinks about the Roman aristocratic inhabintants of the villa relaxing in its thermal baths, then her imagination lingers on mosaics portraying semi-naked lovers locked in an eternally passionate embrace.
Freedom and flesh combine and she becomes the woman in the erotic scene, in this erotic embrace, in which she experiences a sense of abandonment, a giving, in which she is active and passive, expressive and receptive.
Will she manage to wake up from her erotic reverie? Follow the story on tomorrow's post to discover it.
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