Installing an exhibition can be a traumatic experience with too many people running around and panicking.
Though I was (as usual) the one panicking this time, things went pretty smoothly also thanks to a well-organised team put together by Dr Jo Turney at Bath Spa University.
We all hope "Global Style: Celebrities as Trans/National Icons of Style" - opening tomorrow at the Bath School of Art & Design Gallery, the first day of the "Trans/National Clothing Conference", and featuring 16 rare images selected from the Rome-based Archivio Collezione Marco Garzia - will be successful.
Irenebrination would like to thank Jo Turney, David Dollery, the entire Willis family (Adrian, Gill, Peter and Holly Willis - well done all of you, I couldn't have asked for better exhibition installers...), Richard (who made sure nobody - that is me - destroyed the walls with some enthusiastic drilling action...) and students Rebecca Butterworth (3rd Year - Fashion) and Christina Quick (MA Fashion) who will also be acting as reporters and bloggers (you can follow their tweets here) during the four intense days of the Trans/National Clothing Conference (check out the complete schedule here - hopefully, they will survive my dictatorial orders...).
The exhibition private view is tomorrow at 6pm, but the exhibition will remain open until 15th September. Come and visit us!
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