Marcia Higuchi is 29 years old. A graduate of the Visual Arts course at the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), she nowadays works as art director for an events agency in São Paulo; Keila Akemi, 30, also graduated in Visual Arts but from São Judas University, and now works as art director in one of São Paulo’s Hot Shops; Alexandra Fernandes, 28, is a SENAC postgraduate student who graduated in Fashion Business at the Universidade Anhembi Morumbi and works as designer for a young fashion brand in São Paulo, while her sister Stella, 30, who also graduated in Visual Arts at UNESP, is a web art director and a partner of São Paulo’s Design Studio. Prompted by their love for art and fashion, the four girls started around three years ago TudiCofusi, a Brazilian brand which focuses on creative freedom.
Until their latest collection, graphic and fashion designer, art director, stylist, DJ (resident at Bar Secreto, a popular São Paulo club where Madonna was recently invited) and musician Ademar Ferrera was also part of TudiCofusi’s creative team. Ferrera is well-known in the Brazilian fashion scene for his work with important companies such as Zoomp and Alexandre Herchcovitch and he fostered TudiCofusi from its early days. His styling is characterised by a mighty bold and vivid aesthetic (check out the playful paper accessories, such as the bags and headdresses, he came up with for TudiCofusi) that calls to mind crazy and daring 80s atmospheres. Ferrera is at present working on developing a new brand, which will be launched in March, together with a team of artists, photographers, movie makers and other famous Brazilian fashion designers.
Can’t wait to see what Ferrera’s got up his sleeve, in the meantime, you can read my interview with the TudiCofusi girls on Dazed Digital.
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